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Would love some details on your device type and what about the app in unbearable. There’s plenty of room for improvement and we’d love to fix up whatever is affecting your experience.

Device type: iPhone 12 Pro. Latest iOS.

It’s really about not having the controls to do the things I normally do on a phone. A few examples:

- checking checkboxes is a nightmare. 7/10 times I attempt to check a checkbox on mobile it thinks I want to edit the block (assuming it’s because the touch points are too small - a native app would give better controls over explicitly editing certain parts of a block).

- reference brackets always produce something like this [[[something]] with the extra “[“. No idea why this happens, but it’s really annoying to type out [[, start typing my text, then get [[[ and have to manually move my cursor (which is already cumbersome on iOS) to delete the extra bracket.

- copying and pasting is easily my most used feature on mobile for almost any app. Copying in Roam on mobile is very unreliable. Sometimes text is selected, other times an entire block (which doesn’t actually produce a copy to my clipboard when I copy) is selected. A mobile app (or I guess a pwa could do the same) would allow for something like a copy button.

- lots of other small little quirks that I’m less concerned about: having to double click to create a new block, mobile menu bar is partially cutoff, etc.

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