Love this! Current user of Notion (structured planning + sharing), Bear (small on the go notes (mobile mainly), Roam (work + research notes), and Noteshelf (any written notes + sketches). Will be interesting to see if this can replace some of these. I'll write feedback here if I have any. :)
Ha yeah very valid question. Noteshelf is a plain sketch notepad on ipad so is distinct from the others.
Why Bear vs Notion - to pick Notion up and write a quick note isn't great. It's much more organized. Bear is better for this.
Why Notion vs Bear - Better for making structured organized notes, better sharability / collab, rich formatting options. I tend to use notion when I want to share notes or plans externally.
Why Roam vs Bear - Bear syncs via iCloud Drive. My work does not allow iCloud drive syncing. This means Bear's notes would be local which I don't want.
Why Roam vs Notion - This is probably the least justified. I wanted to try Roam again for work notes + research. I do really enjoy the bullet point simplicity and linking of Roam. But I know you could do this on Notion. However, once again I feel like there's more structure with Notion and it's less easy to jot down some simple bullet points.
Based upon your this, do you think there could be a universal app for you to replace them all (perhaps new functionality inside of one of the existing), or do the different use cases merit the separation?
What do none of them do that you wish they did? Does this scratch any of those itches?