Supplying the US with enough solar power for 100% of requirements would require 16,000 square miles, plus one more for batteries.
That's a lot, but in a country with 3.6 million of them, not a big deal. That's about how much we use for cemetaries. We use a lot more for parking lots.
Land use is a problem for some countries, Singapore can't go 100% solar. But most countries are fine.
Singapore us extremely unusual at 51.7 TWh/year on 724 km2 of land. However, they are far from energy independent right now. They currently import the fuel to generate electricity, so they could also just import electricity directly.
Presumably while keeping back up generators for strategic reasons.
Supplying the US with enough solar power for 100% of requirements would require 16,000 square miles, plus one more for batteries.
That's a lot, but in a country with 3.6 million of them, not a big deal. That's about how much we use for cemetaries. We use a lot more for parking lots.
Land use is a problem for some countries, Singapore can't go 100% solar. But most countries are fine.