Depends on expected annual run time. Batteries paired with your solar receive a 26% federal tax credit (if primarily charged from rooftop solar [1]), and any state and utility incentives [2]. They can charge from the grid if not full before a volatility event is expected to occur (Tesla's term for this is "storm watch mode" for Powerwalls [3]), and if you have solar, they’ll replenish each day (is it dark for long periods in California?) depending on rooftop system size.
It's very much not a silver bullet, but if you've already installed solar, or plan to install solar, the battery is a natural fit in California considering time of use metering, upcoming net metering changes, power grid quality, lack of fuel costs, and it can be financed as part of the solar or your mortgage.
It's very much not a silver bullet, but if you've already installed solar, or plan to install solar, the battery is a natural fit in California considering time of use metering, upcoming net metering changes, power grid quality, lack of fuel costs, and it can be financed as part of the solar or your mortgage.
[2] (not comprehensive)