I’m not a fan of the fossil power plants coming online, but this is one small example. Many fossil fuel plants actually increased production during the pandemic too. Nuclear plants were taken offline too. But this is not cryptocurrency to blame. The fundamental disconnect here is that you want to tell people how they can and can’t use energy. That’s authoritarian nonsense and I reject your wishes. I am saying use it how you wish, but optimize it to be green. Ideally, the use will drive it to be more green as that is the cheapest and more sustainable way to generate power in the long run. Do you see the difference in position?
Disagree. Waste is subjective, and ultimately not for you to decide. If the miners do not find it wasteful, who are you, the non-economic participant to say it is?
Green and crypto are quite different things, supply and demand — green is about production, the only important part. How we generate energy in a clean and sustainable way.
Crypto is about consumption, and you have no business telling others how they should spend energy. You can however incentivize the consumers to do it cleanly. You can be green and also pro-energy usage.
Being green doesn’t mean being a bully and telling people what they can and can’t do.