You cannot compare a DOS COM program to an ELF binary, though.
The ELF header alone is 64 bytes while COM files have no header and can fit more than a Hello World program into 64 bytes (uncompressed):
mov ah,9
mov dx,108
int 21
db "Hello world!$"
Using just (on DOS) this results in a 21 byte COM executable that prints "Hello world!" to the console. This simply isn't possible with formats like ELF, no matter what the linker does.
Since DOS also allows direct access to video memory, just switching to VGA mode (320x200, 8-bit colours, e.g. using mov ax,13h; int 10h) will allow you to create fancy graphics with just a few bytes. In fact, I can get a colour pattern on the screen, wait for a key press, and return to text mode in just 45 bytes (for use with
a 100
mov ax,13
int 10
mov ax,a000
mov es,ax
xor di,di
xor ax,ax
mov cx,fa00
mov es:[di],al
inc ax
inc di
dec cx
jnz 111
mov ax,0600
mov dx,ff
int 21
jz 119
mov ax,3
int 10
mov ax,4c00
int 21
This should work on any DOS machine and in DOSBox (I used VDos to create the COM file since I don't have a DOS assembler installed, and is included in vDOS) and is smaller than just an ELF header :D
Those are impressive but it's not really a fair comparison, 256 byte intros are typically DOS executables which only require a handful of bytes worth of boilerplate before you're putting pixels on the screen. The OP is working with Linux executables, which have a much higher fixed overhead to get running nevermind display any graphics, and that's reflected in the smallest category for Linux and Windows intros being 4096 bytes.
Reminds me of how impressive 256 byte intros are, like this one: