My worry is that as this happens more and more, the health care industry will come up with their own score, and will refuse to serve people that don’t pay their medical debts.
The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act prevents any hospital which accepts Medicare/Medicaid from turning away patients in critical conditions. They have to at least provide stabilization and some kind of basic medical screening services to everyone who arrives.
As for other doctor's offices or planned procedures, I think they already can decide to not work with you if you don't pay them. Maybe there's something similar for general practice stuff related to Medicare/Medicaid as well but for exclusively private pay practices I can't imagine something forcing those providers to offer non-emergency services.
A law signed by Ronald Reagan prevents denial of treatment based on ability to pay.
However, it doesn't specify what treatment will be provided, so more likely, hospitals would use that sort of information to limit treatment to ER-level interventions and then recommend a wait-n-see approach as followup.