People have a horrible misunderstanding of libertarianism. Libertarians believe people should be absolutely free to do what they want with their money. Libertarianism is not a fancy word for narcissistic hedonism. From a philosophical standpoint, libertarians should welcome charity/philanthropy as it is a free market solution to dealing with society's problems. They are merely against forced charity (i.e. welfare, medicaid, etc.). Mr. Dietrich's donation fits perfectly within a libertarian framework. Sorry to ruin the joke, but there's no hidden juxtaposition there.
They spend a lot of time advocating public good solutions I consider unworkable due to free rider problems. I'm cynical enough to be pleasantly surprised when a libertarian demonstrates they aren't hoping to become a free rider.
That's not libertarianism. Libertarianism strongly supports private charity; it's government charity it's opposed to. Private charity is how it's supposed to work.