> The price for a replica starts at 0.001 ETH. Each time a particular NFT piece is replicated, its next replication cost will double. So be sure to replicate popular pieces early!
So who gets the replication fees? Is this just a cash grab by the authors of the site?
Looks like SaaS to me. Looks like the funnel is superior and small too. We should just be discussing the revenue multiple, since the same standard should apply. What year does that start?
I'm the creator of the app. I just wanted to create something that was fun/useful with some very mild sense of urgency and scarcity to it. With a starting price of 0.001 ETH per replica, I highly doubt I'll even recoup the >$400 in gas fees I paid to deploy the contract.
My understanding is that minting an NFT always costs money (gas fees that go to the broader mining network to pay the miners for doing the processing). So the cost isn't solely for the benefit of the website maintainers, though I'm sure they're taking a cut too.
So who gets the replication fees? Is this just a cash grab by the authors of the site?