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Mr. Greene, can you explain where do you see bold faced racism in what I wrote.

I point to:

1. In the communist power structure, there is no place for "ambitious," or "talented." The only point of communists hiring few Stanford graduates is to serve as an amicable facade to the West of otherwise ugly regime, and to serve them absolutely unquestionably, hence the justified moniker.

As people seen in 201x the few of them who dared to raise the voice were punished with extreme brutality to instill terror among the remaining powerless bureaucrats, ensure their continued submission, and eliminate any remote possibility of their revolt. Any threat to power, and "talented, and ambitious" in particular == instant kill. The communist party of China pretty much made having brains a crime for its members.

2. The hereditary elite of the communist army from 1949 been the unchanging power holder in the country for 70 years. Since then they installed, and purged multiple sub-regimes, including the latest, Westerner friendly one. Their extreme decadence, and lack of any moral inhibition when it comes to fighting for privilege, and power as their only reason to live fully deserved this adjective.

Pretend better.

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