It's really pleasant that they use Dark UI patterns to try and make that text as ignorable as possible - fading, making it small, putting it in the margin and putting a hard divider between it and the primary announcement. It's sort of a master class in how to use Dark UI patterns - I'm just disappointed they didn't fade it even more, put an ad between the announcement and the context, include a webmaster@ link somewhere in there and italicize the text. If they did all that it'd look entirely like a TOS disclaimer - but they tried their best at least.
We seriously need better consumer protection against Dark UI tactics., okcupid after match bought it, and tinder are all composed entirely of dark patterns propped up by effectively pimping out women via access (it's men who pay for tinder/match/okc), and then exacerbating the whole dating market. All for a profit.
Last I read tinder is like 70% men, and it turns out women only swipe right on the top 5% most attractive.
We seriously need better consumer protection against Dark UI tactics.