I have never said that anyone was making anything up. Please do not put words into my mouth or make statements on my behalf when I have not said them.
>I apologize if it did not land well for you
This sounds like a abusive partner apologizing. "I'm sorry you made me so mad that I had to hit you"
>I am hearing counterexamples to this statement
You're not hearing counter-examples. You're hearing situations where the person, in the past, was lucky enough to not be affected by the situation they were in. That's great. It's like someone who refuses to wear their seatbelt telling someone that they never wear their seatbelt and they've never been injured even though they've driven 10000000 miles in that car. If reducing your chances of dying in a car wreck is important to you, you would have worn a seatbelt. This is like complaining that the car's seat belt chime wasn't insistent enough after you got into a wreck and are now paralyzed.
I am not carrying any weapons in this conversation.
Nobody is attacking you here.
Yet, I experience your interactions here as carrying defensiveness and un-checked assumptions. That is my experience. That is different from me saying, “you are defensive.”
I am having an experience in this dialogue that feels in opposition to one of the main principles encouraged in this board, which is that of graciousness and good intent. I do not feel you have been reading my comments from that kind of orientation. Perhaps you have and I have misconstrued.
Regardless, I really don’t care enough about this issue to continue engaging with you about it like this.
So you made up something that I said or did and then framed it as my fault (something "not resonating" with me) and then want to claim that you're being gracious and discussing from a place of good intent. What un-checked assumptions am I making? Everyone that has responded to me and disagree with me has done so on the principle that this small dot is a "showstopper" that makes their setup "unusable" (it's literally in the title of the article in the OP). All my comments and responses are based on those statements, no assumptions. The difference is that these people feel that it is Apple's responsibility to fix the issues they're having without taking any responsibility of their ignorance on themselves.
And you're right... I haven't been reading your comments from that kind of orientation because your very first comment to me claimed that I had somewhere let someone know that their experience was invalid, which I never did, or that I had somehow claimed that people's realized experiences were far-fetched, which I also never did. How can I assume graciousness and good intent from someone who didn't assume the same of me and then went out of their way to mis-frame what I have been saying? The only time I ever even suggested that something was far-fetched were the people who were claiming that something like this would affect productions like SNL or Mariah Carey on NYE because those are far-fetched suggestions.
That's fine not to continue but please don't pretend that I was the one that engaged with you "like this". You initiated the current conversation, including its tone and intent.
I have never said that anyone was making anything up. Please do not put words into my mouth or make statements on my behalf when I have not said them.
>I apologize if it did not land well for you
This sounds like a abusive partner apologizing. "I'm sorry you made me so mad that I had to hit you"
>I am hearing counterexamples to this statement
You're not hearing counter-examples. You're hearing situations where the person, in the past, was lucky enough to not be affected by the situation they were in. That's great. It's like someone who refuses to wear their seatbelt telling someone that they never wear their seatbelt and they've never been injured even though they've driven 10000000 miles in that car. If reducing your chances of dying in a car wreck is important to you, you would have worn a seatbelt. This is like complaining that the car's seat belt chime wasn't insistent enough after you got into a wreck and are now paralyzed.