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My point with it, though, is that even though you could still use that straight-Pascal core, the language (Delphi) permits more. Which, I presume, many if not most advanced users and large system maintainers took advantage of (my time with it was brief, and I did only use/learn the core Pascal parts).

Python is the same way, there is still (and always has been) a core that is particularly well-suited for novices and a slightly larger core that is sufficient for any small-to-medium system. But as you gain expertise and want to use the language to do other things, or to develop larger systems, you will likely exceed that core. Delphi with Object Pascal was similar. You could still use that core, and accomplish a lot (same with Python), but you cannot guarantee experts or larger systems won't exceed that core.

And that's the language dilemma: How to appeal to both novices and experts, small and large system maintainers? The features that each will want or need are different. Go stayed pretty stable for a decade and kept to its mostly small core, but even it has added generics now because people (maintaining larger libraries, in particular) are chafing under its present constraints. And with these changes, you'll see a (potential, may not happen I suppose but I'd be surprised) major shift in the way the language is used by more expert users that pull it away from its previous model.

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