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One hundred percent agree. Please stop trying to write really verbose code that looks like some weird pseudo english. Mathematicians realized having a grammar specific for mathematics was a GOOD thing NOT a drawback. Even if you have to learn a few symbols at first.

What I want to see: 5 + 3

What I don't want to see: Add the number five to the number three.

The joke when C++ appeared on the scene was that the successor to COBOL would be named ADD 1 TO COBOL GIVING COBOL.

One of Tcl's most popular object systems is called incr Tcl. Tcl allows some Lisp-like metaprogramming (albeit effectively all stringly-typed, and with fexpr crawling horrors -- where it's really easy to confuse metalevels -- and weird scoping rules), so incr Tcl can be, and is, implemented in Tcl.

The logical conclusion of that reasoning is APL. Everything else looks like some weird pseudo english in comparison.

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