Can someone explain to me how about a decade ago we were going to run out of IPv4 addresses in a matter of months and we needed to switch to IPv6 or else, but now we’re still using it fine?
That having to NAT on your home Linksys/Asus and then getting NATed again by your ISP is fine? If you want to allow a connection to your PC or gaming system, how do you hole punch a double-NAT exactly?
The price per IP used to be almost nothing, now it's about $5/month and will keep going up; you can see these costs clearly with inexpensive hosting providers like Hetzner.
As a result many home and mobile users only get personal IPv6 addresses with IPv4 connections being tunneled over shared addresses.
I would pretty strongly oppose the notion we're using it "fine". IPv4 address allocation requests are on waiting lists. As of November, almost all requests have stopped fulfilling. We've completely run out of them.