You seem to take this seriously but putting something together like this is exactly what makes programming/engineering fun. lol. I love putting together weird crap like this.
I build a lot of things that like that. From putting a space invaders game on my digital resume website, to an autonomous R/C car that can evade a pursuing dog that jinks left and right like a rabbit, to an internet controlled robot arm used as a cat toy, to a touch screen cat toy that exhibits predator/prey response from the feline interacting with it that results in a paper about improper toe bean rejection because there are not enough science papers written about cats interacting with touch screens, to figuring out which way up a piece of material has been loaded in to a CNC, to "open the pod bay doors" that will open my garage door, to an interactive smart home screen that monitors where my cats, phone, wallet and amazon packages are (and also displays the weather), to a multi-camera streaming setup that is voice activated "Hey producer, roll VT" that talks to me like Cortana from Halo, to a computer vision system for recognizing electronic components and sorting them into appropriate piles, to a remote operated cat litter cleaning robot arm, to cataloguing every book read, science paper digested, class attended, movie watched and album listened too since 1984. And then there is the weird stuff.