The tradeoff makes sense mostly for many-party calls - for a 1:1 call sending multiple resolutions is a waste, but for a many participant call the downlink bandwidth usage becomes much larger than the uplink.
You layer idea is called SVC and is mentioned in the article. But VP8 doesn't support it, it is waiting on them to upgrade to VP9 or AV1.
> The tradeoff makes sense mostly for many-party calls - for a 1:1 call sending multiple resolutions is a waste, but for a many participant call the downlink bandwidth usage becomes much larger than the uplink.
Excellent insight, thanks.
> You layer idea is called SVC and is mentioned in the article. But VP8 doesn't support it, it is waiting on them to upgrade to VP9 or AV1.
Thanks. I noticed SVC in the article but somehow overlooked that detail.
You layer idea is called SVC and is mentioned in the article. But VP8 doesn't support it, it is waiting on them to upgrade to VP9 or AV1.