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The React dependency is mentioned in the documentation linked from their code example: https://ihp.digitallyinduced.com/Guide/realtime-spas.html

The first header after Introduction:

> Todo List App

> Adding React to your IHP project

The first sentence of that section:

> To access the JavaScript ecosystem we need to add NodeJS to our project.

Both the header and this first sentence imply that this is an optional add-on, not a dependency.

I can also speak from experience and tell you that there is no dependency on react. I've played around with IHP and in its default form the stack resembles Rails: Haskell renders HTML with forms, which submit data to the Haskell server via POST. No JavaScript required at all, much less React.

Personally I am using DataSync like described in the docs, but with Elm, so React is just an option for using this API, not a requirement :)

Any link to an example project or details on how to achieve this?

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