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I'm not Requestbin's creator so I don't know. A simple nslookup or curl does work for me, with my system's DNS servers set to Cloudflare ( or Google (

It looks like Vodafone (I assume this is your ISP) DNS servers aren't properly resolving the name for some reason. You could try bypassing it with dig, and directly ask a different DNS server to resolve it:

  dig @ A whatever.a54c4d391bad1b48ebc3.d.requestbin.net

Thanks! Yeah, `dig` with no DNS gives me a SERVFAIL but `dig @` works.

My ISP isn't Vodafone directly (I take it you think that because belongs to them?) but might be a Vodafone reseller or something.

Yeah, I assumed since you were querying their DNS that you were a client, but makes sense it might be repackaged to other ISPs.

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