This change is included in tag jdk8-b01, which was the first release build of Java 8.
I don't think this exploit as described actually works against a default-configured JVM released any time in the last decade. Is there actually an executable PoC which shows otherwise?
Now, it's true there are ways to exploit deserialisation without loading code. You need to find a class in the classpath that does something sketchy when deserialised. There has been a lot of work to clean up such things in recent years, but it's possible some still exist. Again, i would like to see a PoC.
> Apparently there had been a prior patch (CVE-2009-1094) for LDAP, but that was completely ineffective for the factory codebase. Therefore, LDAP names would still allow direct remote code execution for some time after the RMI patch. That “oversight” was only addressed later as CVE-2018-3149 in Java 8u191 (see