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Show HN: VocalVoid – An audio based open forum (vocalvoid.com)
7 points by Rinum on Dec 8, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

I agree that this is interesting, and at a minimum the visual design is right on track.

I think you might consider running (and or selling) this like an audio blog, where the content comes from guest bloggers. In that way, you can capture/curate the best content for the “forum.” You could gamify it to promote contributions.

Think: somewhere between a regular forum and YouTube, what value is there in an audio platform like this? And how do you maximize the value of the content while minimizing the effort required to make it great?

Brainstorm on the business model. There is something in this. Good luck.

Call me a pessimist, but if the site caught onto some non-trivial traction it would be quickly overrun with unreasonably loud clips, people generally saying horrifying things without much recourse, and then slightly down the road TTS voices selling/promoting other sites. IMO for other anonymous text based sites it's easier to overlook some of these issues as well as it being easier to moderate the issues as they appear.

Looks like a nice implementation of the idea, the overall visual design is clean, and the preloaded content is nice, but I just don't trust the internet to not ruin a good thing.

Thanks for checking it out and especially for your feedback! I definitely agree. I have some easy ideas to tackle at least some of these concerns (e.g. normalize volumes, block posts beyond a volume threshold, implement a CAPTCHA to post, etc.).

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