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Both are quite naive Errors I must say. The good thing about Rust is that it doesn't hide the complexities of the file system from you — it requires you to explicitly handle the edge cases. OR you know, you could just write a cp that panics when there is a PermissionDenied because you decided that never happens and happily unwrapped the Result.

The last one is a different kind. Rusts std lib indeed cannot stat . Which means they would have to translate . into the coreutils meaning manually. Their tests should have cought that one tho.

> Rusts std lib indeed cannot stat .

But the kernel can! I mean, stat() isn't a standard library function, it's a system call with (reasonably) well-defined semantics. And "." is a valid path, which returns a valid struct stat block representing a guaranteed-valid (cwd is always live; you're always "somewhere" even if the filesystem has removed the directory) directory.

Coming at this from the perspective of "translate . into the coreutils meaning" is almost certainly the wrong way to think about it. It's rust that has the broken picture of the filesystem environment, coreutils is just doing unix.

On Linux.

This isn't a Linux project, it is a cross-platform project.

No, stat() of "." predates linux by almost two decades. And coreutils is a set of unix tools. You can build them on other systems, but only via emulation layers that are reponsible for handling the friction (and those layers would likewise be subject to this same logic).

Or I guess what you're saying is that uutils is a cross platform project? Which is true enough, but it's still responsible for faithfully representing the behavior of the underlying system. And when running uutils on linux, stating "." (in this case to detect that src and dst are the same file) is legal and valid.

It's true there are other ways to solve the same problem than emulating a linux syscall layer, but you have to pick one. You don't get to use "the standard library can't stat ." or "we have to run on windows" as an excuse.

Nobody is saying this is not a bug. I am saying that "It's rust that has the broken picture of the filesystem environment" is not true in any way. Rust implements a cross-platform filesystem API. The fact that it does not work the same way as the Linux kernel does not make it "broken".

That's a little out of context. The situation being described[1] is that "rust cannot stat the path '.'". A core requirement of coreutils is to work with a unix filesystem where "." is a valid path. Ergo, from the point of view of the requirements at hand, the rust filesystem layer is "broken". It doesn't do what uutils needs it to do.

[1] And I'll admit that I don't have any understanding of the actual low level issue here or why native pathnames are being interpreted by the runtime and not passed through to the OS layer.

Because if you just pass them through, you will not have consistent behaviour across platforms. That was the original point: Rust implements a consistent, cross-platform filesystem API. It does not necessarily match whatever your platform happens to do.

But uutils needs to necessarily match whatever your platform happens to do, or else it breaks[1] in silly ways like this when it turns out that "." stops being a path.

[1] Maybe this is all just a semantic argument about this use of the word "broken"? This is a long-standing usage. It doesn't mean that Rust's standard library isn't useful for anything, it means that it isn't useful here because of design choices that don't match the problem at hand. If it were something that can be fixed, it would just be "buggy". But it can't (for the reasons you mention!). Therefore it's "broken", not "buggy".

What do you mean with "Rusts std lib indeed cannot stat ."? I wasn't able to find something related to this on the web.

I'm not sure what they mean either, this seems to succeed: https://play.rust-lang.org/?version=stable&mode=debug&editio...

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