Sorry, but I just can't take one person's armchair quarterback opinion over hundreds of thousands of paying customers. If you have actual sales data to back up your theory I'm all ears but your opinion seems to be an untested hypothesis. I've A/B tested my UI many times and I have 16 months of sales data to back up my argument that app store customers love "overdesigned" UIs. This is not mutually exclusive with good UX btw.
EDIT: I realize there are less "overdesigned" fantasy apps that rank higher but one is sold by the NFL and the other by MSNBC (I think I actually outrank Rotoworld on iPad). Hardly a fair comparison from a marketing muscle point of view. I can only make judgments based on my own sales data. And all of it points to the fact that all else being equal, users are more willing to buy apps with interesting looking UIs.
The two fantasy football apps above yours in the iTunes store (Rotoworld and NFL Fantasy Cheat Sheet) are less "overdesigned" than your app. Doesn't this suggest that you're making a spurious correlation between the level of an app's sales and its level of "overdesigned-ness"?
EDIT: I realize there are less "overdesigned" fantasy apps that rank higher but one is sold by the NFL and the other by MSNBC (I think I actually outrank Rotoworld on iPad). Hardly a fair comparison from a marketing muscle point of view. I can only make judgments based on my own sales data. And all of it points to the fact that all else being equal, users are more willing to buy apps with interesting looking UIs.