Struggling to directly address things isn't really our failure mode (if anything, we tend in the other direction). With the specific example of driving, I don't expect much of an issue there. My wife and my mom frequently run errands together anyway, so I expect that will just become the default. My dad will be annoyed, but he's a _very_ pragmatic and risk-averse person and my guess is he'll be the one to make the call (probably earlier than we would)
We talked a lot about money going in, and one of the requirements was that the house had to be something that my wife and I could afford entirely on our own. We own the house (my parents aren't on the deed). If my parents moved out tomorrow, we'd have to tighten up a little bit, but we wouldn't be at any risk of having to move if we didn't want to. My parents pay us monthly based on a sq ft percentage of the house (utilities, taxes, etc), and they have invested a fair bit in their side of the house out of their own pockets (renovating the kitchen, building a small addition, etc... things that also benefit us in terms of value of the property)
As far as your second two points... time will tell... We're not far enough in to run into those issues yet. I think we're all on board for the long haul (3+ decades), but that's easy to say now. We do have regular intentional check-ins about how things are going to make sure we all still agree on where we're at and where we're going.
Your summary is spot on. If you nail expectations, finances, and boundaries, I suspect you'll be in good shape.
All in all, it has been a huge quality of life increase for us. It's really great for our kids to have such a close relationship with their grandparents, and there are significant practical benefits for us as well (my wife and I are able to get away for a weekend every few months, something made much much easier by the fact that we have "live in childcare")
We talked a lot about money going in, and one of the requirements was that the house had to be something that my wife and I could afford entirely on our own. We own the house (my parents aren't on the deed). If my parents moved out tomorrow, we'd have to tighten up a little bit, but we wouldn't be at any risk of having to move if we didn't want to. My parents pay us monthly based on a sq ft percentage of the house (utilities, taxes, etc), and they have invested a fair bit in their side of the house out of their own pockets (renovating the kitchen, building a small addition, etc... things that also benefit us in terms of value of the property)
As far as your second two points... time will tell... We're not far enough in to run into those issues yet. I think we're all on board for the long haul (3+ decades), but that's easy to say now. We do have regular intentional check-ins about how things are going to make sure we all still agree on where we're at and where we're going.
Your summary is spot on. If you nail expectations, finances, and boundaries, I suspect you'll be in good shape.
All in all, it has been a huge quality of life increase for us. It's really great for our kids to have such a close relationship with their grandparents, and there are significant practical benefits for us as well (my wife and I are able to get away for a weekend every few months, something made much much easier by the fact that we have "live in childcare")