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> you probably wouldn’t ever hear someone say “maybe you should have had less trust”

No you would hear the exact same thing. My sensitive data on the cloud is all encrypted. Have you ever seen anyone suggesting to do backup on any cloud platform in any other way than encrypted? That's because the data is sensitive and you can't trust whoever store it for you.

> Why do we tend to treat people like they’re asking for it when their nudes get compromised?

We do that over anything that is sensitive. It's just that nowadays, people no longer consider much of their things sensitive... except nudity.

I agree entirely that we should be able to trust companies and I agree completely that the biggest issue is on them, but the thing is, we will never be able to trust them fully, there's just too much to handle. I'm not saying not to push the responsibility on them, for sure we need to do that or it's gonna be even worse, but we also need to remind people to consider their data security and how they handle it. Both are essentials if we want to lower the number of instance of theses happenings.

I'm curious, if I upload nude picture on my Google Drive and with the password "potato", and then my picture were published by someone that guessed my password. Wouldn't you suggest a stronger password? Still a victim, but still good to suggest ways to avoid it in the future.

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