It's like the ultimate DDOS opportunity- tell everyone to go follow <account you don't like> to drive up their costs to bankrupt them or force them off the platform. Create bot accounts to follow all the up-and-coming politicians of your opposition party or your startup's rival or the media company with a bias opposed to yours.
Then the arms-race component would kick off, and you'd have secondary accounts retweeting primary accounts to spread the followers over hundreds of alt accounts.
The fun part would be they'd have to place caps so hobby users didn't accidentally go viral and get lots of followers, which in turn would create scarcity for the users who follow the now capped account. Imagine someone bragging they're part of the elite 1,000 first followers of whatever random account is popular at that moment.
It's like the ultimate DDOS opportunity- tell everyone to go follow <account you don't like> to drive up their costs to bankrupt them or force them off the platform. Create bot accounts to follow all the up-and-coming politicians of your opposition party or your startup's rival or the media company with a bias opposed to yours.
Then the arms-race component would kick off, and you'd have secondary accounts retweeting primary accounts to spread the followers over hundreds of alt accounts.
The fun part would be they'd have to place caps so hobby users didn't accidentally go viral and get lots of followers, which in turn would create scarcity for the users who follow the now capped account. Imagine someone bragging they're part of the elite 1,000 first followers of whatever random account is popular at that moment.