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You won't be the first, or the last, to wonder this. There are people who have dedicated entire lives to it.

Look into post quantum cryptography if you're interested to know about one of the big trains heading our way.

So using the basic definition of quantum computing being "a device which can compute all permutations at once", in theory yes it is a 0x73 0x68 0x69 0x74 0x20 0x73 0x74 0x6f 0x72 0x6d but thats because these algo's do not encompass time and a place.

Build time into an algo and then you need a quantum computer which can also roll back or forward time.

You see the problem is, how do you build time into an algorithm like a particle decay? And if you could, could you then make it like a time delayed bank vault which only opens for certain windows during the course of the particle decay?

I also wonder if a place, some co-ordinates could also be built into an algo if that is even possible. There are medieval examples, namely trusted couriers but then you are not looking so much at an algo but more a self contained device to defeat quantum computing.

Anyway for now, you've got the NSA data centre at Bluffdale Utah which can sort of replicate quantum computing by running multiple instances with each using one pwd from all the possible pwd combination to look for the magic bytes in a file https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_file_signatures in order to decrypt files. A variation of that Could be used for replay attacks on network communication.

At least thats how I would do it quickly and easily.

That’s not how quantum computers work, but you’re on the right track. And yes, time is almost always an essential part of crypto algorithms (usually proving the order of things, e.g. when using nonces, or temporary keys to block re-generation as with ephemeral keys.)

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