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It's always about the guru - never about the content. Sure, the specifics change to adapt to current needs but fundamentally you'd be better off listening to what your mother told you. However, the guru is so much more interesting and, well, not your mother.

There's something about listening to someone else confirm what you already knew about yourself deep down. If it's put into eloquent terms you'll have a name to put to your yearnings and then, maybe, you'll end up doing something about it. More likely you'll read the book and then sell it back to the Book Bin when the next guru appears.

  There's something about listening to someone else confirm
  what you already knew about yourself deep down.
Is that it? Or is it: There's something about listening to someone else confirm what you WANT TO BELIEVE about yourself deep down?

Not an either-or. Both are alluring.

Telling people what they want to hear is a valuable skill, as we are seeing.

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