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Homebase (homebase.io)
16 points by omarfarooq on Dec 1, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Maybe I'm a dimwit but what is "local-first" software?

It's the strap line, perhaps make that clear first.

Also "Request Early Access". Nope. No actual thing I can play with, then no actual handing off my email to some randoms.

You need to provide a more solid case for me to get on board. So far, there's nothing of interest here.

It sounds like a database that both exists in the cloud and locally on your device. Which sounds useful! But then, PouchDB already exists:


I'm curious how this system handles permissioning aka preventing a random user from querying the rest of the DB.

Firebase has some bespoke config that is dependent on all your data being in a key value mapping. I wonder how that would translate to a relational store.

Also building on clojure / datalog seems interesting and maybe risky.

Hope posts like these (without any details about product and asking for emails) get people banned, it's obvious bunch of them are up voting this to get to front page.

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