The comments about Apple Music's UI aren't wrong... but the experience is a lot less shitty than spotify.
At least AM seems to somewhat respect the idea of listening to albums. Spotify instead buries an artist's albums eight clicks deep into it's UI, nudging you towards their asinine payola-as-a-service playlists (or worse, podcasts I don't care about)
It is less shitty than spotify, but still shitty. I removed Music when at one point I was in the gym which is in a basement and wanted to bring up music on the treadmill. The overlay-ad for Apple Music blocked the UI, and because receiption was bad it took 10s+ to load that ad screen without allowing me to close it until it was there.
I am now using VLC for iOS and am not looking back.
At least AM seems to somewhat respect the idea of listening to albums. Spotify instead buries an artist's albums eight clicks deep into it's UI, nudging you towards their asinine payola-as-a-service playlists (or worse, podcasts I don't care about)