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It's great to see Jig finally launching to the public. I had a first look in June, when I used it together with 200 others foo campers to coordinate the trip to Sebastopol. Then I used it again when I moved from Chicago to San Fran to find a new accommodation.

I don't see Jig as a Q&A site because needs, unlike questions, tend to be personal in nature and change (or even die out) over time. The same need could be posted by multiple people in different locations, or by the same person over time, and all could get different answers.

With that said, Jig will have to fight the only known certainty of any online community: as your user base grows, your quality declines. I can already notice the difference in both the needs and the answers posted now from those of just few weeks ago. Let's hope the Jig team has a strategy in mind to keep the trolls at the gates.

In any case, great job!

Yep! We have a lot of ideas, and a bunch of them came from reacting to the traffic.

It looks a lot higher quality if you load your personal networks from twitter/facebook/etc but the traffic goes by much slower, so we need to work that.

> I don't see Jig as a Q&A site because needs, unlike questions, tend to be personal in nature and change (or even die out) over time.

Good point. Maybe they should add an optional "end date" for the need?

Looks like the Zuckerberg troll made it through

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