I integrated copilot with VSCode (it's pretty easy to get off the waitlist I believe) and have been using it to unblock me from my ADHD when I'm writing code. Basically as I think through a bugfix in our app's codebase,
I navigate to the line where I believe "the fix should go here", and a few characters in, copilot is filling up the lines. 80% of the time it is non-compilable, but nearly 50% of the time it's close to the fix I was going to put in. It's then just a matter of me fixing much simpler errors and bugs in the copilot-suggested LOC.
I have found that I get far less distracted from writing bugfixes once I start looking at the code. I'm not going to let copilot push commits to PROD anytime soon, but it's like having a really smart intern who doesn't really know exactly what I'm trying to solve but has a decent idea, pair programming with me.
So it's not like these AI tools will replace me yet, but they are certainly living up to the goal of "copilot".
I navigate to the line where I believe "the fix should go here", and a few characters in, copilot is filling up the lines. 80% of the time it is non-compilable, but nearly 50% of the time it's close to the fix I was going to put in. It's then just a matter of me fixing much simpler errors and bugs in the copilot-suggested LOC.
I have found that I get far less distracted from writing bugfixes once I start looking at the code. I'm not going to let copilot push commits to PROD anytime soon, but it's like having a really smart intern who doesn't really know exactly what I'm trying to solve but has a decent idea, pair programming with me.
So it's not like these AI tools will replace me yet, but they are certainly living up to the goal of "copilot".