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intunderflow - What process did you have to go through to get the OK to write and publish this article? I'm very impressed that you've published this.

Kickoff was 18th of October after I indicated to someone internally that I wanted to write something for the blog about this program (not gonna name them in case they don't want to be named :P)

First draft (very rough) was 22nd October

Second draft (toned around a bit) was 5th November

Security review + a proper edit happened while I was on Holiday on the week of 8th-12th November (lots of comments left for me), basically nothing got removed, I think one image and about 2-4 lines of text from memory

I came back to a bunch of comments (nearly all on the Monzo Tone of Voice https://monzo.com/tone-of-voice/), went through those, proof-read and then got a green light from:

- Engineering

- Marketing + Press

- Some other folks in Security (because of the content)

And then we moved this over from Google Docs where I was drafting it into our Blog system (Contentful), had a quick skim to make sure it read properly and then published :)

Off topic, but I love the suggestion in "tone of voice" on how to test if a sentence is written in passive or active voice. Just add ... by monkeys to the end of the sentence. If sentence still makes sense, its passive, so rewrite it


A decision has been made to close your account …by monkeys


We decided to close your account ... by monkeys

I'm just wondering - is it safe to have it written in GoogleDocs with all the previous versions remaining there?

Kudus to you and Monzo. It’s great you wanted to write and publish this and it says a lot about Monzo that they let you do it.

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