Kickoff was 18th of October after I indicated to someone internally that I wanted to write something for the blog about this program (not gonna name them in case they don't want to be named :P)
First draft (very rough) was 22nd October
Second draft (toned around a bit) was 5th November
Security review + a proper edit happened while I was on Holiday on the week of 8th-12th November (lots of comments left for me), basically nothing got removed, I think one image and about 2-4 lines of text from memory
I came back to a bunch of comments (nearly all on the Monzo Tone of Voice, went through those, proof-read and then got a green light from:
- Engineering
- Marketing + Press
- Some other folks in Security (because of the content)
And then we moved this over from Google Docs where I was drafting it into our Blog system (Contentful), had a quick skim to make sure it read properly and then published :)
Off topic, but I love the suggestion in "tone of voice" on how to test if a sentence is written in passive or active voice. Just add ... by monkeys to the end of the sentence. If sentence still makes sense, its passive, so rewrite it
A decision has been made to close your account …by monkeys