Also physicist. My beef is more with philosophy-of-science folks in particular. They think that we, physicists, really need them and their insights about how to do physics properly. For example they really like this meme:
Which is totally dishonest. (I tried to counter that with this , but that's not memey enough.)
It's not a coincidence that the left side (more positive to philosophy) and Born (whose quotes are more neutral) are also continental European, while the three critical examples (can add in Krauss, Hawking, and many others) come from Anglo-Americans. There's too often a pettiness in the latter (to an extent, also in your post) in which what look like fairly limited and contemporaneous gripes about academics in another field is given the trappings of some historically unbound and universal insight.
Which is totally dishonest. (I tried to counter that with this , but that's not memey enough.)