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First, don't build strings like this for sql.

But for other strings built with sprintf, yes I am saying don't use %v unless for debugging, it's just one more avenue where you might be surprised by input, even if you're not building strings for sql. For example, someone might do this with user supplied data:

myoutput := fmt.Sprintf("user:%v",userID)

and if userID is a string like "foo" it'll end up in their string and they won't get what they expect. So better to just put another guardrail on there and insist that the param is an integer or whatever you expect by using %d which will only accept an int - this means you have to convert it to an integer first.

Many vulnerabilities are caused by data not being in the format people expect (not just sqli).

Thanks for the explanation! That is a good point about being data-aware.

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