I'm really surprised Apple let Shenzhen, China show on the tracking.
For a premium product, I would expect them to be focussing on the "Designed by Americans in America" bit of the message rather than the "Made in China".
That's such a....weird? approach. Nationalistic almost.
Chinese companies can make absolutely top quality stuff and my view on this has changed many years ago. I now own a Volvo built in Chengdou, China, and it's literally the most well build vehicle I ever owned, definitely better than any German car I've had(my previous Merc built in Germany creaked like a horse cart, this doesn't even make a peep from anywhere).
It’s odd — but I’ve noticed that among premium menswear brands (at least premium to me) like Taylor Stitch, Relwen, etc, made in China is now a mark of quality — because the factories in Vietnam and Bangladesh can whip stuff out, but they can’t do more complex quality finishes (think gussets, fully bound interior zipper taping, welting, quilt through stitching, etc).
Random. But curious to see if this will become more common (or remain relegated to specialized, small brands)
You can't find that on the website in the product specs. It's only when you actually buy the product and physically inspect the labels. I know few people who thought they make it in California and were shocked it's actually made in China.
They do say that about design because that isn't the same word as "made/manufactured" :)
The whole game is to play every country's people and their political instrument. From my perspective, it is easier the more nationalist they are, and both China and the US have very nationalist people. So stamp "made in china" on anything printed on paper, as required there, and stamp "designed in california" on things engraved in metal and then overcharge for it because Americans already suspect something domestic would be more expensive.
(Amusingly, the standard Apple comment pattern appears. About 30 minutes after criticism, the comment is voted down. Over the next day or so, it will probably go up a bit. This is consistent enough to be worth examining.)
Shenzhen to Kentucky to west coast. No problem from my perspective.