What sort of thing would you not hit the back button on and actually engage with, beyond reading the page, nodding your head, and moving to the next HN article?
Native, cross-platform, nice-looking GUIs seem to be getting harder and harder to make each year as native toolkits and styles continue to diverge. LispWorks and Allegro offer solutions [1,2], but they’re proprietary and definitely won’t let you do anything super slick.
GUI toolkits are no longer plain old C APIs, now we have a zoo of them in a bunch of different languages and frameworks.
How can we get back to an age where we can throw up text boxes, buttons, and canvases without the browser and without C++?
I’ve been hopeful that IUP [3] would expand support for native macOS GUIs, but it doesn’t seem like it’s happening any time soon.