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I don't think that RoR will be looked back upon the same way as PHP. PHP is a language with a buggy interpreter with a ghetto as a standard library with a community consisting of a bunch of script kiddies. </flame>

Ruby on Rails is closer to Java J2EE, in all it's enterpriseyness. It may not use a whole lot of XML files here and there, but it's got a similar flavor IMHO. Lots of stuff happens by "convention over configuration". The XML shit from J2EE is just replaced with a little bit of domain specific code within Ruby.

I can only speculate what's the root cause here. Is the web stack just so horribly broken with session cookies and whatnot? Or the problem of displaying the content of a relational database in a HTML page a difficult problem? Or is it just trying to force a one-size-fits-all solution to a problem that is not well defined?

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