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Picplum reminded me of picwing which I believe is another YC company.

I had a chuckle when I noticed that they both have the exact same testimonial from Jessica Livingston, modulo the company name.

I'm not quite sure how both can be true:

"Picwing is the easiest way for me to get digital photos printed. I just email pictures to my account and never have to think about it again. With Picwing, I can be sure that my family back East receives photos of my new baby regularly. They couldn't be happier!"

"Picplum is the easiest way for me to get digital photos printed. I just email pictures to my account and never have to think about it again. With Picplum, I can be sure that my family back East receives photos of my new baby regularly. They couldn't be happier!"

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3637134/quotes/jl_picplum_quote.png http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3637134/quotes/jl_picwing_quote.png

Picplum bought Picwing and is essentially a rebranding of the same service, along with improvements. The testimonial holds because it's the same thing, just with an updated name.

I'm confused. If Picwing was acquired, why is their site still active? Was something licensed?

UPDATE: from http://techcrunch.com/2011/08/22/a-woman-a-cupcake-a-bank-an...

PicPlum acquired the assets of a previous Y-Combinator company PicWing, and took over its printer relationship and initial user base. The company currently has $150,000 in funding offered by SV Angel and Yuri Miller to all Y-Combinator startups earlier this year. The founders say they are beginning their fundraising now, and will be looking to hire soon.

We haven't migrated the users over yet so we're keeping picwing up in the interim. Picplum was created-from-scratch with no code from picwing but we find value in their current userbase.

Nice use of qq.FileUploader. What are you using for those floating (top right) user notifications like when I delete a photo?

Wrong link (altho that cupcake is a good read): http://techcrunch.com/2011/08/12/yc-funded-picplum-beautiful...

Well that would explain it wouldn't it.

Branding is already better.

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