Say that to the acidic invasive Eucalyptus leaves eating away at the paint on your car, or leaving stains on your paved walkway, or choking out your pretty wildflowers.
Or maybe take it up with the Bigleaf Maples clogging up the storm drain front of your house causing water to slowly creep up your poorly graded property on Middlefield Rd.
Or maybe the pine needles that turn brown and look like garbage on your lawn.
A lot of leaves suck to deal with. Blowing is the what the property owners want.
... or to the piles of maple and oak leaves outside my home. If not disposed of, they'll accumulate alongside the leeward base of the walls of my house and end up being a fairly major fire hazard.
Or maybe take it up with the Bigleaf Maples clogging up the storm drain front of your house causing water to slowly creep up your poorly graded property on Middlefield Rd.
Or maybe the pine needles that turn brown and look like garbage on your lawn.
A lot of leaves suck to deal with. Blowing is the what the property owners want.