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Ask HN: Updated recurring payment recommendations?
12 points by neovive on Aug 22, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments
I'm researching recurring payment options and read through some excellent past HN posts and polls on this topic (http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2201363, http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2567487, http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=918700). Based on the comments from those posts and some additional research, I'm leaning towards Spreedly + PayPal Website Payments Pro. However, since those posts are a bit dated, does anyone have any updated suggestions or advice?

I also noticed that Spreedly's blog and Twitter feeds have been very quiet these past few months and I'm hoping that is not indicative of problems -- just that they are busy improving the service :).

Note: This is for a relatively new service, so BrainTree or [Authorize.net + Recurly / Chargify] are a bit too expensive at the moment.

https://stripe.com/ makes accepting CC and recurring payments extremely easy, and works as a merchant account as well. However it's in private beta. Some founders hang around HN, perhaps you can get an invite.

Braintree is about $130 per month at near-zero transaction volume. Is that really too expensive? Payments are pretty fundamental and not an easy thing to swap out later. Don't be penny wise and pound foolish. Go with something good from the start.

You might take a look at SaaSy, which has zero monthly, setup, or chargeback costs irrespective of how small you may be, and your store can be designed and setup for no added cost.

+1 for Saasy.com. I recommend for a bootstrapped startup.

We reviewed a bunch of these and finally settled on Amazon's Simple Payments Subscription service. Easy to integrate and decent rates: https://payments.amazon.com/sdui/sdui/business/asp/subscript...

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