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I've solved this and more with www.getvolta.com. We are a lightweight CRM for companies that rely on the phone.

Our outbound stuff is more advanced, but our inbound is simple. Simply change the phone number on your site with a bit of javascript and you're done. That javascript rotates through a bunch of your phone numbers that we give you, tracks referrers, search queries, etc.

When the phone rings you can have a callerid screen that instantly displays all the above plus history of conversations with that person.

We also allow the person who answered the phone to enter a numeric value after each call. Then, you can see ROI for all the various marketing efforts.

Contact me privately if you're interested in learning more. We are still private, but opening up very soon.

Very interesting. I'd like to learn more. Your email isn't in your profile and I couldn't find a contact email on getvolta.com or your Quora page. My email is kdavis@chambersconstruction.com.

My use case may be a bit different. I want to use the various #s for print ads in magazines, newspapers, and journals and also on marketing materials at trade shows.

The end goal is to determine which marketing channels are actually producing interest and which are just setting a big pile of money on fire.

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