If you just get a bum shower as used in many East-Asian countries, you can get away with very little paper towel use and don’t have to clean towels as well.
And these bum showers can be bought on Amazon quite cheaply and shouldn’t be too difficult to install on any toilet.
But then we're back to people needing to purchase new items to accommodate sudden changes in lifestyle where it just didn't make any sense since the last major advance in technology / the last pandemic. Sure, we know we need to avoid disposable items right now, but as disposable items go paper products are pretty dang recyclable or compostable. Whereas at other times and places conserving water is far more critical.
I’ve got japanese one and drying function just doesn’t cut it. In the end i use more toilet paper but experience is better. Could use cloth ones but toddler would destroy those.
> I’ve got japanese one and drying function just doesn’t cut it. In the end i use more toilet paper but experience is better. Could use cloth ones but toddler would destroy those.
Might depend how dry you want your bottom to be. I live in Thailand, so we got bum guns everywhere of similar style as the linked Amazon product (no drying function). I usually just use 2-4 sheets to "dry" my behind. If it's still a little bit wet, I don't mind, as my behind will get dry after a few minutes with pants on anyways (perhaps because I live in a hot country). At least I am 100% sure my behind is clean.
After talking extensively about the benefits of bum guns with my friends when we were in Asia, the hot vs cold country is a big differentiator. We loved them when we were out there, feels so much cleaner. Its also quite refreshing.
Back in the UK though you during the winter the water will be extremely cold and you really don't want to be damp down there.
The one I have I run a hot and cold line into it for warm water; then I just sit for a minute or two to air dry. I don't live in a particularly hot or dry region, either.
I wonder if you could get one with warm water. And why not use a towel to dry off afterwards? Many people keep one in the bathroom for showering anyway.
The problem is mainly with 99% of towels being ultra symmetric (up/down, left/right, front/reverse). When your towel is asymmetric, you can split it into zones for various things :)
I have owned both the cheap cold water amazon ones and TOTOs. Highly recommend either. If you don’t mind cold water the cheap amazon ones work really well.
And these bum showers can be bought on Amazon quite cheaply and shouldn’t be too difficult to install on any toilet.
You’d also be much cleaner I think.
This is just one example of such a shower found on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B086W1YZSH/ref=sspa_mw_detail...