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> I really don't know the exact incident you speak of.

He went nuts on Twitter bashing CNN. It was kind of pathetic if you think about it.

I honestly don’t get the appeal of Musk.

Maybe I’m just old and don’t get excited anymore for proclamations of pie in the sky ideas - funny thing is, even if he hasn’t delivered on his proclamations people already give him the credit for it; e.g. neural link.

In fact, I quite warily of him.

I’m no psychologist but Musk pretty much displays almost every sign of NPD - https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/narcissistic-....

After the “last 4 years” of 45 I have growth very warily of people with such personality traits.

The similarities don’t stop there. They both kind of have a cult of personality around them.

Ruthless businessman like Gates and Bezos at least wear their characters on their sleeves and generally behave in a logical and predictable manner. Neither of them try to style themselves as some kind of visionary and obsessively hog the media limelight - unless there is a material benefit to doing so.

Even Jobs, who many accused of being somewhat of a narcissistic cult leader, to my knowledge set the record straight on his deathbed - told his biographer to tell it as it is flaws and all; frankly I think he ran with the visionary leader image the media gave him because it benefited Apple.

> Maybe I’m just old and don’t get excited anymore for proclamations of pie in the sky ideas - funny thing is, even if he hasn’t delivered on his proclamations people already give him the credit for it; e.g. neural link.

He has delivered on enough to have credibility. When he starts a new project you know its going to get a lot of funding.

People give credit that somebody is TRYING to do it.

> Maybe I’m just old

If you are not exited about Starship or reusable rocket in general it has nothing to with your age.

> I’m no psychologist but Musk pretty much displays almost every sign of NPD - https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/narcissistic-....

> After the “last 4 years” of 45 I have growth very warily of people with such personality traits.

Maybe he does. He publicly stated aspergers. I don't really care, more about what he does and how he behaves most of the time. Judging everybody that lives by their worst moment is a bad tendency in todays world.

> Neither of them try to style themselves as some kind of visionary and obsessively hog the media limelight

He doesn't need to push himself into the limelight, that happened by itself. Elon was the same person in 2005 when nobody cared about him.

> Ruthless businessman like Gates and Bezos at least wear their characters on their sleeves

Read anything by journalist and authors about Musk, Musk is very genuine. When he gets angry, you can see it. When he is bored he will tell you. He says his opinion, when its popular its popular and when its not, its not.

He is described as very funny and engaging sometimes, but also very competitive if you get cross with him.

Compared to Gates and Bezos he shows way more of his actual personality. He has no PR department or endless media training in the art of saying nothing.

You can dislike that, but accusing you of fake is just wrong. Just as Trump wasn't fake if you want to compare them, he was presenting himself as he actually was (and that was a moron).

> told his biographer to tell it as it is flaws and all

Elon never claimed he was flawless and he has authorized books about him that clearly show that.

You can read Liftoff as a recent book about SpaceX. Elon has good and bad moments in that book but there is no question that he is genuine.

Ashlee Vance who did the original biography also believed he was genuine. And that book equally has plenty of negatives about him.

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