Hey all, I created this site to help others and myself with meal planning. Its my first published solo projects so let me know what you think and what can be improved! Thanks!
Usually the font you have for the login and other places is used for things like Back To School supplies, and whatnot. If your audience is who I think they would be, I can't imagine them associating themselves to that font.
Also, while ratskellers are often basement (cellar) restaurants, the word literally means "council chamber." They pretty much always are associated to alcohol one way or other. Although that'll be great if you add in wine pairings.
So, there's a lot of mixed theming going on.
You know what a German ratskeller looks like. I wouldn't venture so far away from that theme with a name like that. There's a reason all brit pubs around the world pretty much look the same - like actual brit pubs!