The one thing I found weird when I looked into Zettelkasten is the focus on having relatively hard to read IDs as the primary part of the title. It could certainly help in the original use case of having to categorise and store physical paper notes, but it just feels obsolete in a world where you have digital notes, hyperlinking, and search.
You don’t need crazy IDs any more. In Obsidian I just make sure each of my notes has a descriptive title and that’s enough to ensure it’s unique.
Some of my notes are literally just a bunch of links to other notes because the title of the notes is descriptive enough that stringing a bunch together I can form entirely new sentences.
The funny ID thing was necessary when zettelkastens were physical cards in a box that you need to keep in order so that you can look them up. Digital zettelkasten apps have largely dropped the ID systems, you link cards just by their name, and you can use folders or internal headers for ordered structure when you want it.
I've found that to be exactly the case. Once you are able to freely hypelink your notes, the ID isn't really helpful. It's the first thing I dropped from mine.