It's clever until you hit issues with uptime, or breaking the specific rules of the TLD. I'm also a supporter of Obsidian, but it scares me that the domain is under the whim of the Moldovian government and could get shut down/redirected if someone who uses Obsidian Publish decides to write "bad" stuff about government officials since the TLD doesn't allow that.
> Registration restrictions: Prohibited domain names with bad taste, foul language, injurious to public order or to public sensibilities, with offending character, or with obscene or pornographic words
The latter is my concern. Until 2020, Moldova had a pro-Russian government. They could easily return to power. I would see Moscow having zero qualms about requesting e.g. certain visitors be re-directed to a Kremlin-controlled server.
> Registration restrictions: Prohibited domain names with bad taste, foul language, injurious to public order or to public sensibilities, with offending character, or with obscene or pornographic words