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It's clever until you hit issues with uptime, or breaking the specific rules of the TLD. I'm also a supporter of Obsidian, but it scares me that the domain is under the whim of the Moldovian government and could get shut down/redirected if someone who uses Obsidian Publish decides to write "bad" stuff about government officials since the TLD doesn't allow that.

> Registration restrictions: Prohibited domain names with bad taste, foul language, injurious to public order or to public sensibilities, with offending character, or with obscene or pornographic words

From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.md

> could get shut down/redirected

The latter is my concern. Until 2020, Moldova had a pro-Russian government. They could easily return to power. I would see Moscow having zero qualms about requesting e.g. certain visitors be re-directed to a Kremlin-controlled server.

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