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(Not GP)

You pretty much have the option between s2Idle, s2deep, and hibernation. The s2Idle mode is really responsive, but it drains battery at a really high rate. s2deep isn't technically supported IIRC; I was able to turn it on and have seen the battery life under sleep improve, but it takes about 10 seconds to wake up to a point where I can log in.

If I know I'm going to be away from my laptop for a long time, I'll generally put it in hibernation mode.

There might be a better solution out there, but the general consensus seems to be that Linux + Tiger Lake aren't a great marriage at the moment when it comes to sleep.

Arch Wiki tells you how to use s2deep, if you want to enable it: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Laptop/Framework#Suspend

EDIT: I said 10 minutes before, where I meant 10 seconds. Sorry about that.

10 minutes to exit a sleep mode that doesn't drain the battery sounds like a deal breaker

It's easier to turn it off at that point

Hopefully it will be fixed with time

Sorry, I meant 10 seconds there. Fixed it.

And while s2deep does help a lot, it's still pretty far from perfect - certainly not the kind of sleep you'd get from a recent MacBook.

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