This is exciting! I do wonder how Framework will handle some of the logistical challenges associated with running a hardware company, namely distribution. I’ve been waiting on my Framework DIY Edition for several weeks now - it was estimated to arrive a couple of weeks ago but seems to be stuck in the purgatory that is Portland / Troutdale FedEx. Of course everything is kinda upside down in the world at the moment and Framework is barely a year old at this point, so I can’t really fault them here. That said, I really hope Framework is able to successfully scale in this regard. Like it would suck to order a replacement part you need only to have to wait a month or longer for it to arrive in the mail.
Yeah, parent should probably have acknowledged the current black hole that is the trout sale fedex currently. (Though they did call it purgatory)
The current issues there have nothing to do with framework, it’s affecting everyone. My friend recently had their mattress shipment stuck there for over a week.
The entire Pacific Northwest FedEx operation is in shambles. Had several packed over the last few months show up 2-4 weeks late up here in Northern Washington
From what I hear, FedEx nationwide is extremely understaffed and they can't hire enough workers. UPS is also understaffed, but is not having the same issues hiring because they are unionized and offer better pay and benefits.
Mine was delayed by FedEx for a week before being delivered. I chalked this up to what appears to be an at least nationwide FedEx slowdown rather than anything specific to do with Framework.
Of course waiting for my batch of the laptop took quite some time, and I'd be thrilled to see them scale that up.