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that's silly, I didn't equate interest in computers with Asperger's, that would be ridiculous, it's just that people like to flaunt some amount of being on a spectrum as a badge of pride, true or not. I'm not saying it's not fun to flaunt it, but, remember, if your two sigma's below average on the physical list your out of luck, times change, power/money changes

EDIT: most human beings feel weird as a kid. That's natural, whether you hit someone with a lacrosse stick or finally learn how to use a terminal, doesn't make you any cooler. money just moves my dude.

> tired of people signaling themselves as … this fetishization of being "weird", "aspergy", "autistic", that's so tired and sad … people like to flaunt some amount of being on a spectrum as a badge of pride … doesn't make you any cooler — Avicebron (4 hours ago)

> Not all people want a deeply personal relationship with their co-workers, many would even find being forced to engage in that intrusive. Unfortunately once those bonds are formed between some members of a team, often the team dynamic is shifted weirdly as some people feel forced into the "buddy buddy system"...it's classic now and forcing it into remote work seems like a nightmare — Avicebron (14 days ago)

your point being?

I didn't say you did, I was agreeing with you. I recommend reading comments' tone on HN as more neutral than the average internet comment.

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